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Datalogic Touch 65 I can not get the scanner under windows XP. The support is telling me it should work under - Datalogic Scanning TOUCH 65 LIGHT question. 1 Answer. Re: Datalogic Touch 65. Same problem here, other brands & PS/2 no problem. Im looking for datalogic touch 65 manual. Manual Datalogic Touch 65 Light, 2 pages. User Manual LT-100 CONE LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR MATRIX FAMILY READERS [da] [en] [fr] [it] , 2 pages. Datalogic Touch Barcode Scanner. Buying for the Government? The Datalogic Touch contact reader is a cost-effective and high-performance scanner that features multiple interfaces. 65 Light CCD Contact Scanner with USB interface. Cable not included. See accessories. Touch 65/90 Pro & Light. General Purpose Corded Handheld Contact Linear Imager Bar Code Reader. Touch 65/90™ Pro provides a complete all in one multi-interface solution, including RS-232, USB, Wedge and Wand Emulation while Touch 65/90 Light provides USB or PS2 Wedge and TLm SERIES. Instruction manual. Controls. If the green LED lights permanently ON, a safe operation has been obtained; if it flashes at a low rate the setup procedure has failed due to insufficient WARRANTY DATALOGIC AUTOMATION warrants its products to be free from defects. Datalogic and the Datalogic logo are registered trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. in many countries, including the U.S.A. and the E.U. All other brand and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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